Mission Statement: To provide an educational program for Georgia’s youth, which provides guidance, and the skills, ability and knowledge to be safe, healthy, and happy, in preparation for a successful life.
About C.H.A.M.P.S.: Today’s students face dangers other generations could not have imagined. Choosing Healthy Activities and Methods Promoting Safety (C.H.A.M.P.S.) was founded in 2003 by the Georgia Sheriff’s Association to address these urgent challenges.
Target Audience: Fifth graders. GSA’s goal is to eventually extend this program into the middle schools and high schools.
Program Length: Twelve weeks is recommended; however, the program may be shortened or extended to meet the needs of the Board of Education and the Sheriff.
Class Length: 45-60 minutes, one day a week.
Instructors: C.H.A.M.P.S. lesson plans are taught by certified deputy sheriffs who have successfully completed C.H.A.M.P.S. instructor training.
Presentation: Each instructor will be equipped with lesson plans, PowerPoint presentations, and student workbooks.